Pests and Humidity: Do Humidifiers Attract Bugs?




Introducing moisture to the air using a humidifier is excellent for the comfort and health of your family and pets. Unfortunately, there are less desirable creatures that also love humidity and may be joining you!

While humidifiers do not directly attract bugs, they provide a warm and wet environment ideal for many types of insects to thrive in.

Cockroaches, dust mites, silverfish, and gnats, are common pests that are attracted to high-humidity conditions.

In this article, we will answer the question – do humidifiers attract bugs? And give you some ideas about what you can do to keep the bugs away.

Debunking the Myth: Do Humidifiers Attract Bugs?

It is a common misconception that humidifiers attract spiders and other bugs. Alone they will not create pest infestations.

Bugs and pests thrive in humid homes with a combination of factors ideal for them to breed. Here are some of the main problem areas:

Excessive moisture and water 

You can over-humidify if you do not monitor your humidifier correctly and keep your humidity balanced.

Pay closer attention to ultrasonic humidifiers, in particular, because of the way they work to provide water vapor.

Food sources

Readily available food sources will attract ants and cockroaches. Food spills, crumbs, food left open overnight, and unsealed jars are common culprits.

Poor ventilation 

Poor ventilation leads to damp, stuffy corners in your home that become warm and provide the perfect breeding grounds for bugs.

Clutter that offers hiding spaces

Piles of papers, clothing, dusty books, dirty storage areas, and general clutter provide quiet spaces where spiders, bed bugs, and carpet beetles can thrive.

Gaps and entry points

Bugs will enter homes via gaps around your doors and windows. Cracks or openings in walls, pipes or house foundations.

These entry points will allow the rapid establishment of colonies if you don’t seal them up.

Adding the stick-on seals around your doors and windows or door sweeps can make a big difference in keeping insects out of your home and is a simple fix.

Unclean neglected areas

Poor sanitation. Neglected areas like overflowing dustbins, pet homes, and dirty dishes will also attract roaches and other insects and provide them with breeding grounds in your home or business.

Dirty humidifiers 

A clean humidifier will not attract pests!

If you allow mold, mildew, and hard water deposits to build up in your tank, you will create an attractive breeding ground for undesirable things.

Our article Avoid Humidifier Cleaning Mistakes explains how to clean your humidifier is not one of the reasons you have unwanted bugs.

Lack of pest control measures

Without proper control measures, creatures will infiltrate your home, create colonies and spread, making it difficult to eliminate them without calling in pest control professionals. 


Don’t give up on your humidifier entirely! Just Avoid the High Humidity Zone

Using your humidifier has many benefits if your environment is dry. 

Avoid letting your humidifier reach high humidity levels to help deter unwanted bugs while at the same time keeping your family safe.

Per the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the ideal indoor humidity level range is 30 to 50%.

Anything higher than this range is considered high humidity for humans. Not so for our insect friends; this is when some of them come out in full force!

Clean your humidifier regularly and monitor its output using a standalone hygrometer to maintain optimal comfort levels. Temperature, seasonal conditions, air and water quality also make a difference.

Remember, the sweet spot of humidity is between 30 to 60%, creating a comfortable and healthy living environment.

Humidity Comfort Levels/Zones

   Humidity Level/ZoneRelative Humidity Percentage 
  Dry or Low Humiditylower than 30% humidity  
  Human Comfort Zonebetween 30% to 60% humidity  
  Wet or High Humidityabove 60%  

Prevention and Pest Control

Don’t get me wrong, although I am not a fan of unplanned insects in my home, I don’t wish to kill them unnecessarily and would prefer to find a way to avoid each other so we can all go about business unharmed.

Rather than heading straight for the chemical control options. There are some active steps to prevent bugs from congregating in your home or work environments. 

The concept of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) highlights four essential strategies according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a practical and environmentally friendly way to manage pests. Information about their life cycles and environments helps us understand how to co-exist successfully. 


Prevention is critical to stopping infestations. Seal entry points, eliminate humid environments, and maintain cleanliness to reduce insect attractants.

Clean out bins, and don’t leave food out overnight. Seal up gaps and cracks where pests can enter your premises.

By taking these steps, you can create an inhospitable environment for bugs and minimize the risk of infestations.

Applying weather stripping to the seal the doorway


Regular monitoring is crucial for the early detection of pest activity. By staying vigilant, you can identify signs of bugs in their early stages, allowing for prompt intervention.

Traps, visual inspections, and monitoring tools like sticky traps can help identify pests and determine their population levels.

Keep track of your humidity levels by using a hygrometer. Our article Stay in your comfort zone with a Hygrometer covers all you need to know about Hygrometers.

Yellow Insect trap in the Greenhouse

 Cultural controls

These methods involve changing the environment to make it less inviting for pests. Proper ventilation and airflow are essential because they help regulate humidity levels.

To reduce excess moisture, fix leaks and improve drainage to eliminate potential water sources.

By modifying the environment, homeowners can create an undesirable space for bugs and minimize the risk of infestations.

Ventilation and airflow

Biological control

Using the power of nature to control the environment. Natural predators or beneficial organisms, like parasitoid wasps or predatory mites, can be encouraged to keep pests in check.

To attract and keep these helpful creatures, create habitats that provide them shelter, water, and food sources. Planting native plants and avoiding pesticide use can help.

Read more about non-stinging parasitoid wasps in the University of Minnesota article.

Parasitoid Wasp

Regular maintenance and monitoring

Regular checking and home maintenance are essential for maintaining an effective control program. Watch for pests and record when and where they are sighted.

Homeowners can better understand pest trends and take appropriate actions to prevent and address infestations by maintaining records.

Read this interesting home and garden IPM article from the Pennsylvania State University that goes into more depth on this subject.


Will a humidifier attract bugs?

A humid environment can attract many household pests, such as spiders and roaches, that require moisture to survive. However, it is important to note that humidifiers alone do not attract bugs.

Can using a humidifier keep bugs away?

No, using a humidifier alone cannot keep bugs away. Keeping within the humidity comfort zone can make the environment less attractive to many insects. Taking other preventative measures, as mentioned elsewhere in this article or speaking with a professional pest control specialist would help you further to deter bugs.

Will using a dehumidifier keep bugs away?

Yes, dehumidifiers can help to keep most insects away by removing excess moisture in your home. They remove excess moisture from the air. Dehumidifiers make it harder for bugs to survive and thrive in your home. Be aware that dry air can also cause problems; remember to check your home humidity using a hygrometer to find the best solution.

Digital Hygrometer showing 46% humidity

How often should I clean my humidifier?

It is recommended to clean your humidifier regularly, at least once a week. Preventing the growth of mold and bacteria inside the humidifier keeps it functioning.

Do humidifiers attract Cockroaches?

A humid environment can attract roaches which require moisture to survive. However, humidifiers alone do not attract roaches. Taking preventative measures to keep your home clean and tidy and using pest control products, if necessary, can help to prevent roaches from entering your home.

How can I use a humidifier and keep pests away?

To use a humidifier and keep pests away, it is crucial to keep your home clean and tidy, seal cracks and holes, use pest control products if necessary, and keep the humidifier clean and functioning correctly.

The final answer – do humidifiers attract bugs?

Humidifiers themselves do not inherently attract pests that thrive in humid environments. 

However, taking preventive measures to avoid insect infestations in your home, especially in humid conditions, is essential. 

While humidifiers help regulate moisture levels, be cautious and monitor your air regularly.

Sealing entry points, practicing proper sanitation, and implementing integrated pest management strategies are essential.

By being proactive and taking appropriate steps, you can create a pest-resistant environment, even when using a humidifier.

If you are concerned, I recommend you contact a professional pest control service in your area. They will likely be very familiar with your hometown’s local bug life cycles and humidity impacts.

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